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Battling Invisibility: Living With an Autoimmune Disease

Towards the end of the year 2022, I started to feel ill. I had previously gone to the ER a couple of times in September and October, but nothing was found to be wrong. It wasn’t until around December, during the holidays, that things started to go downhill. I was experiencing horrible pain in my stomach and around my ribcage. I was also feeling extremely nauseous and fatigued, but we had family visiting, so I tried my best to make sure that everything went off, as my husband and I had planned. It was very noticeable that I wasn’t well, but I pushed through it. After our family returned home, I told my husband that I didn’t feel right, and I shared with him things that I was experiencing that were very concerning. We decided to go to the ER again and this time we were told that my live enzymes were extremely elevated. After being there for hours, they didn’t have a clear explanation as to why this was happening. I was given some Ibuprofen and was instructed to follow up with my primary care doctor as soon as possible, but if my symptoms worsen to return. Less than 24 hours later, my symptoms did worsen, but I refused to go back to that hospital. So, we went to another hospital that was about 45 minutes away. By this point, it was around New Year's Eve.

Once we arrived at the ER, I explained what was going on and I also showed the triage nurse my discharge paperwork from the previous hospital so they could see my bloodwork and other tests that had previously been done. They immediately began doing their own testing and giving me medications for the pain and an IV for dehydration. The attending physician was very concerned about my bloodwork and the fact that my liver enzymes kept increasing. So I ended up getting admitted to the hospital and seeing a specialist. My body was in so much pain. The pain began radiating to my left arm. My arm was hurting and stiff to the point where I couldn’t bear to lift it….which was also unexplainable. They did x-rays for that as well.

The next day, the specialist came in to speak with me and explain what was going on. My liver had become enlarged due to inflammation, so it started pushing against my ribcage and back causing excruciating pain. He told me that he wanted to do a biopsy on my liver to see if I had Autoimmune Hepatitis. He said he was almost certain that, that was what I had but it could only be confirmed via biopsy. He also started me on Prednisone to see how my liver would respond to it. He said that the medicine would help reduce inflammation and wanted to keep me on it for seven days and after that, I would return for a follow-up and repeat labs.

On the day that I was supposed to have the biopsy, I was given the news by my husband and a nurse, that one of my uncles had passed away suddenly. I was shocked and confused. So much was happening so fast……faster than I could clearly process. The biopsy was postponed and was done a couple of days later. And after being in the hospital for six days – which felt like an eternity, I was finally discharged. The days and weeks leading up to getting my biopsy results were never wrecking and filled with many emotions. In the midst of the wait, I had to travel to my home state to be with family to bury my uncle….all the while, I’m still in pain.


"Autoimmune hepatitis is a life-long and rare liver disease, where the immune system causes damage to healthy liver cells. This means that my body is fighting my liver as if it does not belong to me."

In January 2023, I was officially diagnosed with Autoimmune Hepatitis. Autoimmune Hepatitis is a life-long and rare liver disease, where the immune system causes damage to healthy liver cells. This means that my body is fighting my liver as if it does not belong to me. I was told by my doctor that it was treatable but not's not contagious and there isn't a definitive cause. From the moment of receiving the diagnosis, nearly everything about my life changed – from doctor appointments every two to three weeks, swelling, pain, hair breakage/loss, digestive issues, extreme fatigue, and so much more. There were a lot of painful and sleepless nights. There were nights that I was afraid to shut my eyes because I honestly didn’t think I would wake up. Not that I didn’t have faith in God or that I was/am afraid of death because I anticipate going to my heavenly home.  I would pray and ask God to leave me here a little while longer because I knew that my family would not be able to take it….especially, my mom. She had just lost three siblings a year apart and she’s still trying to cope with that.

"He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.” Isaiah 40:29 KJV

One thing that I have learned about autoimmune diseases is that it is true when they tell you that one autoimmune disease can cause other autoimmune-related illnesses as well. Presently, I am on immune suppression medication that I'll have to take for the rest of my life....and I have come to terms with that. I was weaned off the Prednisone, after taking it for six months, in August 2023 and I am extremely thankful for that because it had some harsh side effects. My body has gone through so many changes in the last year. It has truly been an emotional rollercoaster, to say the least. I didn’t/don’t understand why this was happening, but I trust God. The road hasn’t been easy, but I praise, and I thank Him for keeping me through it all. I also thank Him for blessing me with a strong support system….because it is definitely needed.

~ To push through on days when your body is aching and extremely fatigued. To look healthy on the outside, while on the inside, your body is fighting an invisible battle takes enormous strength. ~

I pray for healing, strength, peace, and wisdom for myself and others who are dealing with autoimmune diseases or any type of chronic illness. I know that it can be very overwhelming at times, and it can take a toll on you spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally -- Draw near to God, stay encouraged, and do not lose hope.

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Isaiah 41:10 KJV

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