Peace is our inheritance and gift that Jesus left with us that is available to all.

With so much going in the world…...things that may be beyond our logical thinking or comprehension. Do not fear……Do not be dismayed…...Do not lose your hope and Do not lose your joy. Where fear is — there is no peace. Having peace doesn’t mean there is an absence of pain, however; God will give us peace in the midst of chaos, conflict, illness, sadness, or whatever we may be facing. No matter the situation, He will give us the strength to endure.
Choose Peace — Trust and have confidence in God. To experience the fullness of His peace, you will have to seek Him daily. The more you seek Him, the greater your peace will be. True peace comes from above and is one that the world could never give. God’s peace will give you rest, calm, and stillness in your heart. It frees you from the cares of this world. God will give you peace that surpasses all understanding!
The peace that the world gives is circumstantial or conditional,
but the peace that God gives is eternal!