“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 KJV

We often hear the phrase that “trials come to make us strong,” but when we are going through those trials, it can be hard sometimes to see anything positive about them. Our natural eyes cannot see past the struggle and we tend to take our focus off the promises of God. We forget all about the fact the Word of God tells us that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Even the strongest of Believers can have their faith tested, tried, and shaken.
For the past 16 years, I have been in an ongoing battle (health-wise) — that I would not wish on any (woman). I have shared my story in a previous blog post, therefore; I will not go into detail on this one. Just know that it is mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally exhausting….and I am tired. The pain can be sporadic, excruciating, and unbearable to the point where medical attention is needed. And earlier this week, just so happened to be one of those times. The enemy knows the pain that I have endured over the years, dealing with this, and that this is one situation, that breaks me all the way down……no matter how many times I go through it.
I felt so disheartened and defeated. I cried out and asked God……How do you get the glory out of this? What good can come out of this? I surrendered my entire life to you. I am devoted to living for You and honoring You in everything that I do. There is no unconfessed sin in my life…...I fast and I pray. I just do not understand why do I have to keep going through this? Why Me?
“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18 KJV
When unfavorable situations occur in our lives such as, issues with our physical body (whether caused by injury or illness), separation, divorce, or when we deal with loss/grief, we often question,” Why does God allow these things to happen to us or to those that we love?” Rather than looking at it from a spiritual standpoint, it is in our human nature to try to place blame, find reason, fault, or justification to help ease our hurt, pain, and disappointment.
It is important to understand that our suffering or struggles do not always come as a result of something we did wrong or as a consequence of sin. There are some situations that are completely out of our control. And there are some medical issues that are present from birth. Like the story of the blind man in John 9, that Jesus healed. When the disciples asked Jesus, who sinned, was it the man or his parents that he was born blind? And Jesus answered them and said, “Neither.” Jesus knew that the blind man would use his miraculous healing to give God the glory. And he did just that; even when he was questioned by the Pharisees and faced being exiled, he stilled gave honor and praise to God.
As I was writing this blog post, God began to speak to my heart and answer my questions. He said, “I want to take you higher. I do not want you to stay in that same place. I do not want you to become complacent or to get comfortable……far greater works do I have for thee. Let this be a reminder of why I chose you.”
Even if our healing does not come on this side of heaven, we still have reason to give God the Glory. God doesn’t choose us or use us because of our perfections…...we are chosen because of our imperfections. He uses our imperfections to transform us in His image. If everything was given to us free and easy and there weren’t any failures, hardships, or struggles, then there would be no value or appreciation in it or any lessons to learn. None of us are exempt. No, it does not mean that everything that happens to us is of God, but He can use the bad experiences to make us better.
God’s will, is never to harm us…...Everything that He does is out of His love for us. Test and trials build character — allows for growth, maturity, and humility — increases our faith, hope, patience, and our obedience — creates resilience and gives us the resolve to keep trusting and to keep believing — even when we do not understand.