“And he said unto them, come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat." Mark 6:31 KVJ

Everyone experiences loneliness at some point or time in their lives. No one likes to be alone, and some try to avoid it at all cost. They will try to find things that will help them pass the time, fill the void, or keep them distracted. Some people can handle being alone better than others. They will just accept it and fill their time doing things that are positive. Then there are others, who will allow their loneliness to make them feel down, lowly, and in a sunken place.
“You can be around a group of people or in a house full of people and still feel alone”
When my husband told me last February that he would be leaving towards the end of the year for a “possible” 6-9 month (or longer) deployment, I didn’t know what I would do or how I would manage with him being gone for such an extended amount of time. Especially being so many miles away from family and now dealing with this pandemic. I didn’t want him to go, but this is what we signed up for. I was devasted at first, but as it got closer to time for him leave, the doubt, fear and anxiety began to lessen. I looked at the situation in two ways: 1- His time away was only temporary. 2 - I knew I would get to spend as much alone time with God as I wanted. I looked forward to it and I had planned to take full advantage of it. And I have done just that……whether I’m up all night writing, reading, praying, having impromptu praise and worship sessions or simply just talking to God. Being in fellowship and having one on one time and having a direct connection with Him is priceless. The joy and peace that I have…...I cannot put into words. To hear the voice of God, to feel His presence and to have His Holy Spirit reside in you, is such an Honor and a Blessing. He has deepened my knowledge and understanding. He has opened my eyes to see his to HIS truth, which has made me disconnect, further, from so many things of this world.
It has been nearly 8 months now since my husband’s been away, and yes, there have been times of sadness and loneliness, but we have managed to navigate our way through it as best as we can. Sometimes, situations and circumstances may place us in a season of solitude or isolation. And there are other times when God sets us apart—for healing, deliverance, repentance, to cleanse us, to sanctify us and draw us closer to Him. Your season of loneliness can be used as a time of reflection, as well as for personal and spiritual growth. Don’t fight it……Embrace it! Let God in! You do not have to always be on the go. Put your phone down and live in the moment. Do not let the devil use your time of isolation to play on your fear and insecurities or make you feel self-pity, depressed, stressed, neglected, or rejected.
We all go through different seasons in our lives. When you can recognize the difference then you will know how to deal with it. Allow God to walk you through it. Let Him to speak to your heart and settle your mind. This season of loneliness, solitude and isolation can give you a different outlook and a deeper perspective of your life that will, in turn, give you a sense of appreciation and gratitude. Sometimes God will separate you to do a work in you. To prepare you, to change you, to mold you, to protect you, to sever bad connections and to bring you into alignment with Him — to position you for something far greater that what this world has to offer. There were times when even Jesus went through periods of isolation.
“And he withdrew himself into the wilderness and prayed.” Luke 5:16 KJV
Rather than feeling down and in despair, spend time in prayer and mediating on God’s word. He will give you profound peace and a sense of purpose. Allow Him to use you. The more time you spend with Him, you will discover your gift and will be walking in your divine purpose. I am a Living Witness……These words that He has given me, has traveled across this globe to many places and has reached people that I probably will never meet— And I am truly humbled. Stay Encouraged! Do not look at your season of loneliness, isolation, or solitude as punishment, but view it as a Blessing and Gift to You from God!