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Silent Battles

Writer's picture: R2WR2W

Updated: Aug 26, 2021

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 KJV

Everyone has faced or will face challenges in their lifetime. No one is going to go through life problem-free. No matter who you are or where you come from. Everyone has something they have dealt with or are currently dealing with — no matter how strong or happy they may seem — some people are just better at hiding their emotions more than others.

Early in life, we are taught to be strong, to brush things off, or we are told the old saying, “that which doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger.” And this way of thinking causes us at times to suppress how we feel……even when we are hurting. And that is NEVER the right thing to do because it only gives leeway for the enemy to come in and plant seeds in our mind — seeds of doubt, self-hate, and insecurity.

Not knowing to properly handle or express your emotions and keeping them bottled up inside will have you carrying around or being burdened down with weight from past or present hurt, trauma, loss, grief, sadness, sickness, addiction, betrayal, anger, abuse, neglect, resentment, unforgiveness, disappointment, feeling unloved, and unappreciated. It is a sad and lonely state to be in. I have been in that dark place before……feeling like I was just existing and not really living. It is hard being able to smile through the pain even though your world has/or is falling apart. Being surrounded by so much love, yet you feel completely alone. Feeling empty inside—when on the outside your life looks and seems so full and put together — and it is so far from what is being portrayed. No one gets to see the raw and real you, or the invisible scars that are buried deep within. They only see the representation of you or the persona that hides the truth.

I know how hard it is to open up or be vulnerable out of fear of being judged, ridiculed, or misunderstood. — Not knowing who to turn to, who to talk to, confide in, or who to really trust. — Some of the toughest battles I had to fight, I fought alone. No one knew but me and God. I learned to put my faith, hope, and complete trust in Him. He became my shelter, my safe space, and my refuge.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 KJV

I do not know who this message is for, but I just want to encourage you. I know times have been hard and you wanted to give up, but God kept you and is still keeping you. God can and He will give you the strength to fight your battles, the power to heal from the pain, and a heart to forgive whoever or whatever that caused it. Even when we feel like we are at our lowest point, we must remember that God is Able! He never fails and His love is unconditional. He will give you the drive, determination, and willpower to keep going……I am a living witness!

Do not feel discouraged. Please remember that -- a person that has never walked in your shoes cannot tell you how to wear them, nor how they should fit or how they should feel. What works for some may not work for others. Give yourself time, space, and the opportunity to feel what you are feeling, so you can cope and deal with it in the healthiest way that you possibly can. Pray, Pray, Pray, & Pray some more. Hold on to God and He will see you through. Just know that You are not alone. You are loved and You matter! Keep your head. You are a Son or Daughter of the Most High God!


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